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Pharaoh HTTP: Get and set the values of the current HTTP request

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pharaoh-http 1.0Custom (specified...5HTTP, PHP 5


This class can get and set the values of the current HTTP request.

It provides classes that allow getting the values of the current HTTP request values like HTTP method, parameters, client details, etc..

The package can also provide classes that can also set or get the values of the current HTTP response like HTTP response status, response headers and body data, etc..

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[PHP] Pharaoh HTTP

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Pharaoh-HTTP provides a quick and easy controlling of Request and Response.


Install the latest version using Composer:

$ composer require raggitech/pharaoh-http

the include the vendor autoload file.


Getting the Instances:

$request = \RaggiTech\Http\Request::getInstance();
$response = \RaggiTech\Http\Response::getInstance();


<a name="method"></a>


Get the request's method:

echo $request->method; //GET or POST or PUT or PATCH or DELETE

<a name="status"></a>


Get the request's status code:

echo $request->status; //200

<a name="secured"></a>


Is it a secured request (HTTPS) (Returns Boolean) :

echo $request->secured; //true

<a name="time"></a>


Get the request's time :

echo $request->time; //float

//OR int
echo (int)$request->time;

<a name="headers"></a>


Get the header value of a given key:

echo $request->headers->host; //localhost

<a name="server"></a>


Get the server value of a given key:

echo $request->server->http_host; //localhost

<a name="url"></a>


echo $request->current(); // localhost/pharaoh/http/?name=Raggi

// get current url with scheme
echo $request->current(true); // http://localhost/pharaoh/http/?name=Raggi

// get the base url
echo $request->base(); // http://localhost

// get the route url
echo $request->forRoute(); // localhost/pharaoh/http


<a name="files"></a>

files (uploaded files)

// for example the file input is FN.

# File Object
// single file
$file = $request->file('FN');
// OR
$file = $request->files->FN;

// Multi files (name, index)
$file = $request->file('FN', 1);
// OR 
$file = $request->files->FN[1];

# File Properties

echo $file->name; // name
echo $file->extension; // extension
echo $file->type; // mime type
echo $file->path; // current path
echo $file->error; // error code

# File Methods

// get full name with extension
echo $file->fullName(); // image.jpg

// check if the file has no error
echo $file->isValid(); // true

// get readable size of the file
echo $file->readableSize(); // 2MB

// save uploaded file to path
$file->save('path'); // true

// or save uploaded file to path with a new name
$file->save('path', 'file.jpg'); // true

<a name="isMethod"></a>


Check if the request method is equal to the given method name:

echo $request->isMethod('PUT') // false

<a name="isGet"></a>


Check if it is a GET request:

echo $request->isGet() // true

<a name="isPost"></a>


Check if it is a POST request:

echo $request->isPost() // false

<a name="isPut"></a>


Check if it is a PUT request:

echo $request->isPut() // false

<a name="isPatch"></a>


Check if it is a PATCH request:

echo $request->isPatch() // false

<a name="isDelete"></a>


Check if it is a DELETE request:

echo $request->isDelete() // false

<a name="isAjax"></a>


Check if it is a XML Http Request:

echo $request->isAjax() // false

<a name="query"></a>


Get a query value/values using DotArray:

// localhost/pharaoh/http/?name=Raggi
echo $request->query('name') // Raggi

<a name="input"></a>


Get a post value/values using DotArray:

echo $request->input('full_name') // Moamen Eltouny

<a name="hasQuery"></a>


Check if the request has the given query key using DotArray:

echo $request->hasQuery('full_name') // false

<a name="hasInput"></a>


Check if the request has the given input key using DotArray:

echo $request->hasInput('full_name') // true

<a name="client"></a>


$client = $request->client;

# Bot
// check if it's a bot

// get the bot's name
echo $client->bot();

# Main Information

// get user agent
echo $client->agent;

// get user ip
echo $client->ip;

// get referer
echo $client->referer;

// get user languages list
echo $client->languages;

// get user language
echo $client->language;

// get user language's variant
echo $client->variant;

# Device
$device = $client->device;

// Browser Engine name
echo $device->name; // WebKit

// Browser (name, version)
echo $device->browser->name; // Chrome
echo $device->browser->version; // 77.0.3865.120

// Platform (name, version)
echo $device->platform->name; // Windows
echo $device->platform->version; // 10.0

// Device Type
var_dump($device->isDesktop); // true

// if it's a phone
        $device->isMobile, // true
        $device->isTablet, // false
        $device->isiOS, // true
        $device->isAndroid, // false


<a name="status"></a>


Get/Set the response's status code:

echo $response->status(); //200

echo $response->status(); //404

<a name="setHeader"></a>

<a name="setHeaders"></a>

setHeader() & setHeaders()

Get header or multi headers:

$response->setHeader('Location', '');

    'Content-Type: application/pdf',
    'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"',

<a name="set"></a>

<a name="append"></a>

<a name="prepend"></a>

set() & append() & prepend()

Set content or append to it or prepend to it:



<a name="json"></a>


Set JSON output:

    'data' => [
            'name' => 'Moamen Eltouny',
            'nickname' => 'Raggi'

    "data": [
            "name": "Moamen Eltouny",
            "nickname": "Raggi"

<a name="variables"></a>


Get/Set Variables:

$response->page_title = "RaggiTech";
echo $response->page_title; // RaggiTech




MIT license

  Files folder image Files (11)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagerequest (5 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Plain text file request.php Class Class source
Plain text file response.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (11)  /  request  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Agent.php Class Class source
  Plain text file Client.php Class Class source
  Plain text file Files.php Class Class source
  Plain text file SingleFile.php Class Class source
  Plain text file URL.php Class Class source

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