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PHP Dot Notation Array Access: Access array elements using path strings with dots

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php-dot-array 1.0.2Custom (specified...7PHP 5, Data types


This package can be used to access array elements using path strings with dots.

It can perform several types of operations using strings to refer to indexes of elements in arrays that can have one or more dimensions.

The class provides functions that can perform operations like setting, getting, deleting array element values, check if an element exists with a given path, return array element count, etc..

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Name: Moamen Eltouny <contact>
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All time rank: 257626 in Egypt Egypt
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<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="470"></a></p>

<p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Source"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Packagist Version"></a><br> <img src="" alt="Packagist Downloads"> <img src="" alt="Source"> </p>

[PHP] DotArray - Accessing arrays using dot notation and asterisk.

//Get all users names with DotArray
$names = $dot->get('users.*.name');


Traditional way

$array['users']['raggi']['name'] = 'Moamen Eltouny';

echo $array['users']['raggi']['name']; // Moamen Eltouny

DotArray way (with DotArray Object)

$dot = dot(); // Creating DotArray Object
$dot->set('', 'Moamen Eltouny');

// Getting [DotArray way]
echo $dot->get('');

// OR Getting [ArrayAccess way]
echo $dot[''];


Install the latest version using Composer:

$ composer require pharaonic/php-dot-array


Create a new DotArray object:

$dot = new \Pharaonic\DotArray\DotArray;

// With existing array
$dot = new \Pharaonic\DotArray\DotArray($array);

OR You can use a helper function to create the object:

$dot = dot();

// With existing array
$dot = dot($array);


DotArray has the following methods:

<a name="set"></a>


Sets a given key / value pair:

$dot->set('users.raggi.created_at', date('r', time()));

// ArrayAccess
$dot['users.raggi.created_at'] = date('r', time());

<a name="get"></a>


Returns the value of a given key:


// ArrayAccess

Returns a given default value, if the given key doesn't exist:

print_r($dot->get('users.*.name', 'Raggi'));

<a name="tojson"></a>


Returns the value of a given key (like get() method) as JSON:

echo $dot->toJson('users');

Returns all the stored items (like get() method) as JSON:

echo $dot->toJson();

<a name="all"></a>


Returns all the stored items as an array:

$values = $dot->all();

<a name="delete"></a>


Deletes the given key:


// ArrayAccess

<a name="clear"></a>


Deletes all the stored items:


<a name="has"></a>


Checks if a given key exists (returns boolean):


// ArrayAccess

<a name="count"></a>


Returns the number of the root Items:


// Or use count() function [Countable Way]

Returns the number of items in a given key:


<a name="isempty"></a>


Checks if a given key is empty (returns boolean):


// ArrayAccess

Checks the whole DotArray object:


<a name="setarray"></a>


Replaces all items in DotArray object with a given array:


<a name="setreference"></a>


Replaces all items in Dot object with a given array as a reference:



MIT license

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  Files folder image Files (9)  /  src  
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  Plain text file DotArray.php Class Class source
  Accessible without login Plain text file helper.php Aux. Auxiliary script

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  Plain text file DotArrayTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file HelpersTest.php Class Class source

The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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